Strong Girls

Stronger Women

Girlz Rule ™ is a community nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering young girls and helping them realize their full potential. 


Specifically designed for girls ages 8 to 14, Girlz Rule reaches girls during the critical tween / teen years when their confidence drops, and they become risk averse. 


Girlz Rule’s signature program is the 4-hour interactive workshop that covers both the mindsets and the practical skills girls can use every day.  It teaches girls both the importance of how they show up and present themselves, as well as how to respond, particularly on those days when things just aren’t going well.  Confidence is important, but so is resilience and how you pick yourself up as that, too, leads to confidence.  We cover four key topics in the workshop.

<a href="" title="muscle icons">Muscle icons created by Bert Flint - Flaticon</a>


Power poses | Practice failure | Believe" title=

Positive Self Talk

Affirmations | Reframing | Distractions

<a href="" title="emoji icons">Emoji icons created by Smartline - Flaticon</a>

Your Happiest Self

Rainbows after rain | Mindfulness | Gratitude

<a href="" title="voice control icons">Voice control icons created by Freepik - Flaticon</a>

Power of Your Voice

Pause | Intonation | Presence  


Our Story

Having worked in the corporate world her entire career, Stephanie witnessed firsthand how women were at an inherent disadvantage – some were intentionally excluded from meetings, others did not get credit for an idea that they brainstormed, and still others were called “not a team player” for having to pick up their kids from day care in lieu of attending happy hour.  She tried to do what she could within the corporate setting to elevate her fellow peers and had some success.  However, it was when she became a mom herself and saw firsthand how her once confident, vibrant daughter and her peers succumbed to peer pressure and drops in confidence in those formative years, that she knew more had to be done.  She knew then that teaching girls at that critical age the mindset to hold and the skills to use would be invaluable to them for a lifetime. 

Stephanie Louie - Founder

Support Our Girls

When you donate to Girlz Rule, you support a program that helps our participants increase their confidence and become more resilient, valuable skills they can utilize their entire life.   

We make every dollar count. Your contribution, of any level, impacts a girl directly as it helps to offset the cost of facilities we need to rent for our programs, handouts for the girls to keep, and the hosting of this website.

We thank you for your support. 

“Thanks so much for this workshop - even at age 49, I found it really interesting and there were a LOT of helpful reminders!”

— Proud Mom of a 5th grader